Hyperpump Comp-S
2025 Update: The Hyperpump now comes in colors! Produced in small batches, so for an additional $10 you can pick your vibe.
Introducing the Hyperpump Comp S. Hyper for the hype that is real. Comp for the composite material. S is for the stubby nose and sleek design. This bracket brings improved performance, form, and value. This fiber reinforced polymer bracket design was inspired by Joe Mazzone’s 313 mile, 24 hour, World Record on our G|Bomb Racecut Composite Bracket. We took that race-cut design and made it better. The nose has been truncated to reduce weight without poking any stress concentrating holes or cutouts in the design. The result is uncompromising strength in a lightweight, adjustable bracket. This patented infinitely adjustable bracket system permits all the premium high-performance trucks available. The bracket is recessed in the neck area to accommodate larger wheels, and narrow, turny trucks. The side profile has been thinned for a sleeker look. Clearance was added to the underside pockets to permit the standard skate tools for assembly. All these changes add up to one fine bracket. When you’ve been making brackets for nearly two decades for the world’s best distanced skaters, you learn a few things about what works. This bracket is the culmination of the millions of miles logged by G|Bomb skaters over the last two decades.
Hardware special
For a limited time for intro, we are including the truss head hardware to attach the trucks.
Bracket Color
Note that the bracket color is not a post-process paint - the brackets and nylon risers are molded in color.